Emergency Info

If you have a dental emergency, please do not hesitate to call us so we can schedule an appointment for you as soon as possible. In the meantime, there are some things you can do at home to ease the discomfort until you can be seen by one of our dentists.


If you develop a toothache, we recommend you rinse with warm salt water to ease any pain and floss to remove any loose food. For swelling around the face or jaws, apply an ice pack (frozen vegetables work well) to the area. You may also consider taking an over the counter medicine like Tylenol; however, avoid ibuprofen, aspirin, and other pain relievers that tend to thin the blood.

Chipped or Broken Tooth

First of all, if you chip or break a tooth, control any bleeding by applying a piece of gauze and an ice pack for any swelling. When you come to our offices, bring any pieces of the broken tooth you have.

Knocked Out Adult Tooth

We recommend you rinse the tooth very gently so that no tissue fragments are removed. If possible, put it back in place without forcing it. If that does not work, place the tooth in a glass of milk or cup of salt water and come directly to one of our offices or call immediately if it is after hours. We may be able to save the tooth if we can place it back in the socket within an hour of the injury. For a tooth that is knocked loose or only partially dislocated, place an ice pack over the mouth and take some pain reliever if needed.

Something Stuck Between Your Teeth

Gently floss the area between the teeth to remove the particles. Do not, under any circumstances, use a sharp object that can damage your teeth or cut your gums.

Problems with a Crown

When this happens, reattach the crown to the implant or tooth with a dental cement like Fixodent or other denture adhesive. If the tooth is sensitive, apply a topical anesthetic to the affected area to relieve any discomfort.

Lost Filling

When a filling comes out, put some denture adhesive in the area where the filling was and let it seal until you can be seen. Another alternative is to use sugarless gum to seal the area until your appointment.

Broken Braces Wire

If the wire on your braces breaks or becomes unhinged, simply take a small pencil eraser and place it on the end of the wire to prevent it from poking into your gums or cover with orthodontic wax. Do not cut the wire as you may accidentally swallow it and cause further injury.